The AVI SERVICE srl is a company specialized in coding lots directly to lines of production, printers for labels and barcodes.

It’s a society set up in 2003 but it was already established thanks to the twenty-year experience made by the founding partner in other companies of the sector and also to the business philosophy which puts above everything the Post-sale service.We are constantly focused on the precision, punctuality and reliability.

This is an innovative company which offers the best products of the market in order to ensure the customer.
Importer and distributor of the CAB ( first European producer of printers for labels). Authorized technical assistance for the whole of Italy.

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Sale of consumption materials of first choice (major duration of the printing seals and major printing quality) and of original replacement for a constant quality of the assisted machinery over time.


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Exclusive partner for PUGLIA – LAZIO - BASILICATA – CAMPANIA, ABRUZZO E MOLISE   with sale service and authorized technical assistance of MARKEM-IMAJE, one of the leader company in the world in the sector of the traceability of products, being part of the group DOVER ( American multinational with a turnover higher than 8 billions of dollars, with over than 36.000 employees in the world, listed on Wall Street)


Producer of inkjet encoders, laser, and thermal transfer ( the different versions of the smart date constitute over 70% of the worldwide installed), printing system and labels application on secondary packaging ( packs, cartons, shrink-wrapped) and on Pallet ( iso a5 standard label for the Great Distribution)

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Furthermore, the AVI SERVICE provides a qualified service of technical assistance ON SITE for the resolution of any problems with a telephone availability seven days a week, intervention times of about 24-48 hours even on holiday periods, it provides also substitute machines always ready in order to avoid expensive production downtime.

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The new operative venue placed in Modugno provides a machine stop for the maintenance and repair of systems, beyond the fully-stocked warehouseof replacement and consumption materials (ink, solvents, ribbon, neutral labels) for the numerous needs required by the privacy mark and the packaging.


Avi Service S.r.l. 
Via Vigili Del Fuoco Caduti In Servizio, 10/b - 70026 Modugno (Ba) - Italia
Tel./Fax. 080 502.39.94
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - PEC: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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